my dog went from indoors to outdoors and developed a rash what can i do

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Canis familiaris Skin Bug

The sound of a canis familiaris constantly scratching or licking tin be as irritating as nails on a chalkboard. But don't blame your pooch for these bad habits -- a pare condition is probably the culprit. Possible causes range from parasites to allergies to underlying illness. WebMD has compiled images of some of the most common canine skin issues.

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Allergic Dermatitis

Dogs tin have allergic reactions to preparation products, food, and environmental irritants, such every bit pollen or insect bites. A dog with allergies may scratch relentlessly, and a peek at the peel frequently reveals an ugly rash. Corticosteroids or other, newer medicines tin can help with itchy rashes. But the most effective handling is to place and avoid exposure to the allergens.

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Yeast Infection

If your dog tin can't seem to stop scratching an ear or licking and chewing their toes, ask your veterinarian to check for a yeast infection. Symptoms include irritated, itchy, or discolored skin. The infection usually strikes the paws or ears, where yeast accept a cozy infinite to grow. Yeast infections are easy to diagnose and oftentimes respond well to a topical cream. In some cases, your veterinarian may prescribe oral drugs, medicated sprays, or medicated baths.

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Superficial bacterial folliculitis is an infection that causes sores, bumps, and scabs on the skin. These skin abnormalities are easier to see in shorthaired dogs. In longhaired dogs, the most obvious symptoms may be a dull glaze and shedding with scaly pare underneath. Folliculitis often occurs in conjunction with other skin problems, such as mange, allergies, or injury. Treatment may include oral antibiotics and antibacterial ointments or shampoos.

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Another type of bacterial infection, impetigo is most common in puppies. It causes pus-filled blisters that may pause and chaff over. The blisters usually develop on the hairless portion of the abdomen. Impetigo is rarely serious and can be treated with a topical solution. In a small number of cases, the infection may spread or persist.

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Seborrhea causes a canis familiaris'southward peel to get greasy and develop scales (dandruff). In some cases, information technology's a genetic disease that begins when a dog is young and lasts a lifetime. Only most dogs with seborrhea develop the scaling every bit a complication of some other medical problem, such as allergies or hormonal abnormalities. In these cases, information technology is vital to treat the underlying cause so symptoms do not recur. The seborrhea itself typically tin can be treated with sure medicated shampoos.

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Despite its name, ringworm is not caused by a worm, simply by a fungus. The term "ring" comes from the round patches that can form anywhere, but are often establish on a dog's head, paws, ears, and forelegs. Inflammation, scaly patches, and hair loss often surround the lesions. Puppies less than a year old are the nearly susceptible, and the infection can spread quickly between dogs in a kennel or to pet owners at dwelling house. Various anti-fungal treatments are available.

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Shedding and Hair Loss (Alopecia)

Anyone who shares their home with dogs knows that they shed. How much shedding is normal depends on breed, fourth dimension of yr, and surround. Simply sometimes stress, poor diet, or illness can cause a dog to lose more hair than usual. If abnormal or excessive shedding persists for more than a week, or you observe patches of missing fur, cheque with your veterinarian.

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Mange (Mites)

Mange is a skin disorder acquired by tiny parasites called mites. Sarcoptic mange, besides known as canine scabies, spreads easily amid dogs and tin can too be transmitted to people, but the parasites don't survive on humans. The symptoms are intense itching, red pare, sores, and hair loss. A dog's ears, face and legs are most usually afflicted. Demodectic mange can cause bald spots, scabbing, and sores, only it is not contagious between animals or people. Treatment depends on the blazon of mange.

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Fleas are the bane of any pet possessor. You may not see the tiny insects themselves, just flea droppings or eggs are unremarkably visible in a dog's coat. Other symptoms include excessive licking or scratching, scabs, and hot spots. Astringent flea infestations can cause claret loss and anemia, and even expose your dog to other parasites, such every bit tapeworms. Treatment may include a topical and/or oral flea killer and a thorough cleaning of the pet'due south home and yard.

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Ticks, like fleas, are external parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. You can spot a tick feeding on your dog with the naked eye. To properly remove a tick, grasp the tick with tweezers close to the domestic dog's skin, and gently pull it directly out. Twisting or pulling as well hard may cause the head to remain lodged in your domestic dog's skin, which can lead to infection. Identify the tick in a jar with some booze for a couple of days. If your pet gets ill, your vet may need it to analyze what'due south wrong. In add-on to causing blood loss and anemia, ticks can transmit Lyme illness and other potentially serious bacterial infections. If you alive in an expanse where ticks are common, talk to your veterinary about tick control products.

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Color or Texture Changes

Changes in a domestic dog's peel colour or coat texture tin can be a warning sign of several common metabolic or hormone problems. They can also result from an infection or other pare disorder. Usually a unproblematic blood test can place the underlying cause. Be certain to ask your veterinarian almost whatsoever meaning changes to your domestic dog's coat.

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Dry, Flaky Skin

Dry out, flaky skin can be a red flag for a number of problems. It'south a mutual symptom of allergies, mange, and other skin diseases. But most ofttimes, dry or flaky pare is nothing serious. Make certain yous are feeding Fido high quality nutrient. Like people, some dogs simply get dry skin in the wintertime. If this seems to cause your pet discomfort, consult your veterinarian. Inquire whether a fatty acid supplement or a humidifier might help.

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Acral Lick Granuloma

Also chosen acral lick dermatitis, this is a frustrating skin status acquired past compulsive, relentless licking of a single area -- most often on the front of the lower leg. The expanse is unable to heal, and the resulting hurting and itching can lead the canis familiaris to go on licking the same spot. Treatment includes discouraging the canis familiaris from licking, either past using a bad-tasting topical solution or an Elizabethan collar. Also ask your domestic dog'southward vet about other treatment options.

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Skin Tumors

If you notice a lump on your dog'south peel, indicate information technology out to your vet as shortly as possible. Dogs can develop cancerous tumors in their skin. The only way to ostend a diagnosis of cancer is to biopsy the tumor. If the lump is small enough, your veterinarian may recommend removing information technology entirely. This can yield a diagnosis and treatment with a single procedure. For tumors that have not spread, this may be the only treatment needed.

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Hot Spots

Hot spots, also called acute moist dermatitis, are pocket-size areas that appear red, irritated, and inflamed. They are about normally institute on a canis familiaris's caput, hips, or breast, and frequently experience hot to the bear upon. Hot spots can effect from a wide range of weather condition, including infections, allergies, insect bites, or excessive licking and chewing. Treatment consists of cleansing the hot spot and addressing the underlying condition.

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Immune Disorders

In rare cases, skin lesions or infections that won't heal tin can indicate an allowed disorder in your domestic dog. One of the best known is lupus, a disease that affects dogs and people. Lupus is an autoimmune disorder, pregnant the body's allowed organisation attacks its own cells. Symptoms include peel abnormalities and kidney problems. It can exist fatal if untreated.

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Anal Sac Disease

As if dog poop weren't evil-smelling enough, dogs release a foul-smelling substance when they practise their business. The substance comes from small anal sacs, which can go impacted if they don't empty properly. The authentication of impacted anal sacs is a dog scooting their bottom forth the basis. Other symptoms include bitter or licking the anal expanse. A vet tin can manually express full anal sacs, but in astringent cases, the sacs may be surgically removed.

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When to See the Vet

Although almost peel problems are not emergencies, information technology is important to get an authentic diagnosis so the condition can be treated. Run into your veterinary if your domestic dog is scratching or licking excessively, or if you observe whatsoever changes in your pet's coat or skin, including scaling, redness, discoloration, or bald patches. Once the cause is identified, near pare bug answer well to treatment.

Evidence Sources


(1)         Lorado / iStock
(ii-7)     Cornell University, College of Veterinarian Medicine
(eight)         Nancy MacLeod, flickr
(9-10)   Cornell University, College of Veterinarian Medicine
(11)       Lauree Feldman / Alphabetize Stock Imagery, Kenneth H. Thomas / Photograph Researchers, Inc.
(12-16) Cornell University, Higher of Veterinary Medicine
(17)       Photo Courtesy of Kathy Moberly, flickr
(18)       Photo Courtesy of Ingunn Markiewicz / flickr
(19)       © Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc./Corbis


American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA): "Dog Care – Pare Problems," "Dog Care – Hot Spots," "Dog Care – Ringworm," "Dog Intendance – Shedding," "Dog Care – Fleas," "Domestic dog Care – Mange," American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA): "Dog Care – Lyme Disease." "Anal Sac Impaction," "Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Allergy and Peel Problems,"

"Dog Licking Toes? Await for Yeast Infection," "Dog Peel Conditions: Allergies," "Dog Pare Weather: Bump, Lump or Tumor?" "Dog Skin Conditions: Superficial Bacterial Folliculitis," "Flaky, Oily or Dry Skin in Dogs."

Kathy Snyder, DVM, Internal Medicine and Emergency/Critical Care, Texas A&K University College of Veterinary Medicine. "Acral Lick Dermatitis/Granuloma."

The Merck Veterinary Manual: "Anal Sac Illness," "Seborrhea: Introduction."


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