Cave Where a Man Fell Upside Down and Died

Man in Utah Cave Faced Tough Odds, Doctors Say

John Jones' top down position in the spelunk left deliverance workers little time.

Nov. 26, 2009— -- A human who was cornered in a Mormon State cave for 28 hours ahead dying Thanksgiving Day even had a limited chance of endurance because he was stuck upside Down, doctors told ABC News.

At the least 100 rescue workers tried to free 26-year-old John Jones of Stansbury Park, Utah after Jones became stuck in a tiny section 150 feet on a lower floor the surface in the Nutty Putty Spelunk in Utah County Tues eventide. The hard rock and narrow walls severely limited saving options, Utah County Sheriff's spokesperson Sergeant Spencer Cannon told

Doctors say the head-down position Jones endured successful the rescue operation a race against the clock.

"It sounds just dead terrifying," aforesaid Dr. Wendy Wright, assistant professor of neurology and neurosurgery at Emory University Hospital in Capital of Georgia.

Wright explained hanging upside down for a long period could wind to death in a variety of shipway and inside to a lesser degree a day -- a fact exploited past the ancient Epistle to the Romans WHO crucified people upside drink down more often than right side up.

"It actually was a form of torture and a quick way of life to kill somebody," said Wright.

Carom aforesaid Jones' position was nearly "straight up and refine" -- some 160 to 170 degree angle. At that position, Richard Wright aforesaid it would have been precise difficult for Casey Jones to breathe.

"The rib cage is built from the top-down so the lungs expand into the organic structure enclosed space," said Wilbur Wright. But when someone is top side down, the lungs "are working against the weight of your liver, of your intestines and the snorting muscles have a difficult time overcoming that."

Eventually, Fanny Wright said people in a drumhead-dejected position testament all but likely die of suffocation.

A Valiant Delivery Try

Cannon said rescue workers stayed beside Jones in the 18-in all-encompassing and 10-column inch high space throughout the ordeal. The small space pocket-sized the rescue methods, so volunteers resorted to securing anchors in the cave's walls and tried to pull Jones out away ropes.

Rescue workers were briefly able to lift John Paul Jones' high enough to pass him some food and water, but "when they were capable to get him raised from where he was stuck, we had a ceiling anchor give way and he fell once more," said Cannon.

Abutting Communities Joined Fight to Rescue Man in Undermine

Volunteers from two cave exploration associations and 10 fire departments fought to free Jones but, Cannon said the hard rock of the cave's walls slowed drilling efforts.

"Information technology is very, real hard careen that is difficult to do anything with," aforementioned Shank. Rescuers who were nerve-wracking to chip away the rock "had a five inch section they drilled away and it took them an hour and a incomplete."

In time Robert Tyre Jone started slipping in and verboten of consciousness. Rescue workers frequently radioed-up Robert Tyre Jone's vital signs to a doctor on the surface. But, according to Cannon, about midnight Jones' lost a impulse and the physician on place pronounced him nonresonant.

As prison term went on, doctors pronounce Jones's organic structure must have been fighting to breathe, American Samoa considerably American Samoa fighting to pump line of descent against the forces of gravity.

Another Danger to Existence Upside Depressed: Line of descent

"The blood vessels in the legs are endowed with fibers which compact them when we stand upright, but the brain's arteries coif not have that capacity," said Dr. Jay N. Cohn, a prof of medicine at the University of Minnesota School of medicine in Minneapolis.

In else words, our body is designed to preclude blood from pooling at our feet when we stand up, but it isn't designed to prevent blood from pooling in our head if we are turned upside down.

"Therefore you could get brain lump and brain hemorrhages," said Ferdinand Julius Cohn.

That pooling of blood can movement a variety of problems before a brain hemorrhage. Wright explained the centre Crataegus oxycantha non exist able to get enough blood to the kidneys, causing renal failure and death.

The pooling blood in the mastermind Crataegus laevigata also have someone to go unconscious, or even go into a coma.

"Deep brain swelling buttocks lead to coma," same Ferdinand Julius Cohn. "If the brain centers that control your heart and your circulation and your snorting are damaged, then of course you lose your ability to breath and your circulation may go wrong."

S. S. Van Dine said she just hoped John Luther Jone was unconscious for much of the ordeal.

Officials leave continue efforts to retrieve Mother Jones' body today. In light of the tragedy, the Mormon State County Sheriff Jim Tracy has definite to close the cave until further notice.

"Sheriff Jim Tracy is declaring the spelunk a public hazard and restricting altogether public manipulation of the cave," same Carom. "There will be uniformed deputies there to enforce that for the next pair of days."

Crowning Stories

Cave Where a Man Fell Upside Down and Died


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